CDN Border Disscusion Event

Event hosted by CDN Executive Editor Ron Judd and Ethics Advisor Dean Wright with speakers talking about Canada-US border implications of recent presidential and local elections.

Available Times
Thursday, March 27th 2025
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
CDN Border Disscusion Event
  • Doors open at 6:30
  • 2 greeters at the Theater entrance
  • 2 staff in the Theater helping direct attendees
  • We will be using the Green Room/Drama Room for presenters
    • We will be bringing a cooler that will have bottled water/drinks in it to put in the Green Room
    • No food is planned
  • Please have the Green Curtain down we will use as a backdrop
  • Okay to setup reserved seating signs for staff
  • Guest Wifi is available for use – to connect open web browser and accept terms and conditions

This event will be very similar to the one we hosted with Rick Steves in October, just with different guest speakers. We will do all the set up, etc but will just need tech help from someone at Sehome with the microphone and laptop set-ups.